(2019 Songbook). Loves Wide Embrace: Hymns to celebrate community while working for justice
by Bret Hesla.
Ten songs written on commission for Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota on the occasion of their 150th anniversary (1869-2019). The themes were gathered in conversation with members of the church, and reflect the mission and key themes of this urban congregation. (Songbook price includes shipping. Browse contents below.)
Songbook Contents: click/listen/download individual songs
Our Saviour’s Rouser
Love’s Wide Embrace
This Lovely Food
Come Rest in the Arms of Love
God Has Given Us Each Other
I Say Peace
This Is Home
Dandelion Prayer
Bread of Heaven
Who Can Help But Celebrate?
Order hardcopies below (songbooks/CD/piano): (email me for bulk orders)
Full mp3 download: CD Baby: Love’s Wide Embrace