Bringing our questions and bringing our doubts
Here with each other we open our hearts
These and our longings we offer to you
O Mender of All That Unravels
Words and music by Bret Hesla. Piano score by Cooper Sherry.
© 2015, 2021 Bret Hesla. All rights reserved. Use with permission, please. Licensed via OneLicense.net. Contact: bret.hesla@gmail.com.
Two audio demos: above with guitar, below with piano
I wrote this song a few years back for my home church, Our Saviour’s Lutheran of Minneapolis. We have a program called Living Questions, in which nonmembers and members can gather regularly to chat about their musings, the big unknowns, the deep ambiguities of our lives separate and together, what it all means. I like the title, since it honors the experience most of us have had of being more full of questions and doubt than certainty. It’s not about answers; it’s about questions.
I’ll be curious if you can find a place for it in your life and the life of your community. Perhaps some service or prayer ritual or gathering for honest conversation. Let me know if you find a way to use it.
Thanks to Cooper Sherry of Tacoma, WA for the lovely piano score (and great voice to go with it!).