Close to home, close to home
Food tastes better when it’s local grown
Local grown on local land
I wanna place my money in a dirty hand
I wanna place my money in a dirty hand
Every spring with all my friends
We put a couple hundred each in a farmer’s hand
Then each week from June to fall
We get a big bag of vegetables one and all
California produce, No
I wanna buy what my neighbors grow
I can change, I can learn
To change my diet as the seasons turn
Keep your eyeballs on the fridge
Keep your veggies on the cutting edge
Use those greens in the drawer
Soon a bag’ll be delivered with a whole lot more
Some folks choose the discount fare
Cause they wanna help a little with the labor there
Early on they help plant the seeds
Then they’re back a little later helping hoe the weeds
Some folks choose to grow their own
Or hit the farmer’s market every Sunday morn
But here’s my scoop, here’s my news
I get a year’s worth of produce if I pay my dues.
Words and music by Bret Hesla.
© 1992 Bret Hesla. All rights reserved. Use with permission, please.
Licensed via OneLicense.net. Contact: Bret.hesla@gmail.com.
This song is an ode to Community Supported Agriculture. What’s CSA? It’s a growing movement, where you pay the farmer in advance for a season’s worth of produce. Weekly deliveries right to your neighborhood, summer through fall. Eaters join growers to share the risk of farming. Eat local, buy direct from a local grower, delivered. That green stuff is arugula.