Larry Dittberner, “Mr. D,” was the musical heart and soul of Lake Country School its beginning in the early 70s to his retirement in 2019. Larry’s irresistible presense and inviting style of music has inspired and empowered 40 years worth of students. The tune for the verse is based on the song “They All Asked About You.”

Everybody Wants to Sing
Copyright © 2012 Bret Hesla.
I went down to the Children’s House
Everybody want’s to sing
Everybody wants to sing
And they want to sing more with Larry.
I went down to the Children’s House
Everybody want’s to sing
Everybody wants to sing
And they want to sing more with Larry.
Hey Larry, get ready
‘Cause we’re all movin’ in.
We’ll cook you that weird food you love
and you just have to tra-la-la
Hey Larry, get ready
‘Cause we’re all movin’ in.
Then twentyfour seven, three-sixty-five
we can sing with you.
2. I went out to the Land School ….
3. I went down to the farmer’s market ….
4. I went over to Cabrini Church ….
5. Up on Mars, guess what you’ll find …