Her Song Spins a Blackness
© 2016 Bret Hesla
1. Her Song spins a blackness full of stars.
Her Song wakes the wonder in my heart.
Let ev’ry string strum, strum with gratitude
that Her Song comes spinning all the world
On this pregnant holy night.
When Heaven gave a tiny kick…. inside the belly of the earth.
2. Her Song swells the apple on the tree.
Her Song tethers Mary to the babe.
Let ev’ry voice cry, cry with gratitude
that Her Song comes swelling all the world
On this pregnant holy night.
When Heaven gave a tiny kick…. inside the belly of the earth.
3. Her Song weaves the magi with the poor.
Her Song soothes the fear of letting go.
Let ev’ry horn blow, blow with gratitude
that Her Song comes weaving all the world
On this pregnant holy night.
When Heaven gave a tiny kick…. inside the belly of the earth.
4. Her Song woos the shepherds to the dance.
Her Song thrums in strangers shak-ing hands.
Let ev’ry foot jig, jig with gratitude
that Her Song comes wooing all the world
On this pregnant holy night.
When Heaven gave a tiny kick…. inside the belly of the earth.
Words and music by Bret Hesla
© 2016 Bret Hesla, bret.hesla@gmail.com. Use with permission, please.
Licensed via OneLicense.net. Contact bret.hesla@gmail.com
Here’s a Christmas song I love; it’s so fun to sing with the congregation. Expansive imagery for the divine. The pregnant earth. Mary, shepherds, magi, and the infinities. Try it out.