An anti-racism hymn, can be sung to the tune of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” 8787D
Or original tune, leadsheet below.
1. Holy River never failing,
Here we stand and look to you.
Pour your presence now upon us.
Come and christen us anew.
You have named us all your people.
You have birthed us as your own.
You’ve restored us, wholly family,
In your Spirit flowing down.
2. Empty promises divide us.
Empty goals stand in our way.
We renounce the many “isms”
That turn “we” to “we and they.”
We acknowledge our involvement.
We have all dividers been.
Make us healers of division,
As your family we defend.
3. Keep us mindful of our oneness
In your water’s wide embrace.
Give us eyes to see our kinship
Everywhere in every face.
May we learn the way of Jesus,
Learn to challenge and to serve.
May we learn to live together,
Loving all without reserve.
4. Holy River, flow upon us
Come and green our wilted vines.
We are thirsting for your justice;
Now your realm our only wine.
Give us courage to be faithful.
May we know we’re not alone.
Give us joy in our reunion
With our siblings finally known.
Words and music by Bret Hesla. © 1999 Bret Hesla. All rights reserved. Use with permission, please. Licensed via Contact: