Pour Out Upon Us
Song ©2017 Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
Song Text: Pope Francis, © 2015 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
Pour out upon us
Pour out upon us
The power of your love
[prayer: “Pitcher of All Goodness” by Bret Hesla]
1. Pitcher of All Goodness,
Pour out upon us the power of humble service,
that we would seek to serve above seeking to gain.
Pour out upon us the power of discernment,
that we would notice where we’ve gone wrong
and adjust the way we speak, touch, email and text
in our desire for loving community.
Pour out upon us the power of togetherness,
that we would share public spaces as true neighbors.
Magnificent Pitcher of All Goodness, pour out upon us the power of your love.
2. Pour out upon us the power of slowing down,
that we would be renewed by the simple passing of time.
Pour out upon us the power of paying attention,
that we might allow moments of awe in small things,
and notice the fragile beauties trampled in our mad rush to save time.
Pour out upon us the power of humility,
that we would give up being in charge of our planet.
Universal Pitcher of All Goodness, pour out upon us the power of your love.