Pour Upon Us All

© 2017 Bret Hesla.
Pour upon us all
The power of your love,
That we may be mindful
How we walk on this earth.
Pour upon us all
The power of your love
That we may defend
What sustains us.
Words and music by Bret Hesla.
© 2017 Bret Hesla. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Licensed via OneLicense.net, Contact: Bret.hesla@gmail.com.
[prayer: “Chalice Prayer” by Bret Hesla]
Chalice of goodness:
We feel the power of your love pouring down from the sun,
earth’s gorgeous nuclear power plant wheeling across the sky,
whose warm love travels 93 million miles
as if it were merely an eight-minute errand to deliver cookies to a shut-in.
Pour your love upon us.
Chalice of goodness:
We feel the power of your love in the topsoil,
the compound interest of the ecosystem,
concocting a damp black trust fund
out of the loving remains of the striving green layers,
and hosting a joyful resurrection on a recurring annual schedule.
Pour your love upon us.
Chalice of goodness:
We feel the power of your love in the algae,
pumping out oxygen for no good reason,
which just so happens to answer our prayer
before we even made any plans to fold our hands and bow our heads,
much less take a breath to sing.
Pour your love upon us.
For these powerful gifts we have received, we give thanks today and always. Amen.