Trust the Bird
If the bird disagrees with the bird book
I’m gonna trust the bird.
Would you believe what you read in the index
No matter what you heard?
Listen to the wren and the chickadee
The truth in the air is the authority
If the bird disagrees with the bird book
I’m gonna trust the bird.
Life is deeply listening
To voices all around
When you find you’re deeply listening
You hear that joyful sound. (Ch)
Life is sweet allowing
Things to be their way
We love that sweet allowing
That is why we say (Ch)
Words and music by Bret Hesla and Richard Bruxvoort Colligan. © 2017 Bret Hesla. All rights reserved. Use with permission, please. Licensed via OneLicense.net. Contact: Bret.hesla@gmail.com
This is based on a wonderful quote from Audubon, “When the bird and the book disagree, believe the bird.” Last month, in the cold snowy January of Minnesota, I was out walking in the woods and saw an Eastern Bluebird. What? They’re not supposed to be here this time of year. This little fluff ball got fooled into trusting the climate changed winters we’ve been having for the past 30 years. She’s suppose to be in the southern US at this time of year.